Honey harvest #1

On Monday, Alison got a new bike. It is a Madsen bucket bike, and can hold all of the kids as well as groceries. We hope that Alison will be up to taking trips in it to the library soon, so that they can go to the library every day and Alison will keep in excellent physical condition. If it is too hard, we are going to get her an electric assist to help her on the hilly parts.

The bike rides pretty well, and is obviously very well built.

On Tuesday they rode the bike to Macey's, which went pretty well, and it was also Sara's date night. For her date we watched Joseph and the amazing technicolor dream coat.

Wednesday Alison's parent's moved to California. Now that we have no more parents in Utah, it is much more likely that we are going to move. We do not, however, have any immediate plans to move.

On Thursday Alison and the kids went to the pool. The girls all loved the water and swam for a while. Sara got too cold and got out after a while (I used to do that a lot). Rea swam the width of the pool without touching the bottom, and enjoyed doing somersaults and handstands. Timmy, on the other hand, did not like the water until about half way through, when he got brave and finally got in.

When I came home Timmy excitedly told me that he was a fish.

Friday Alison and I read up on all of the people that we could vote for in the local primary election and we decided who to vote for. Hint: if you want our vote, a good website that tells us what you claim to want is a must.

Friday night I was telling Alison about the few memories I had of New Hampshire (which we moved away from when I was 5). We looked up Loudon (the town that we lived in), and found that it is really close to Walden pond. Some day We should go visit, because it would be cool.

This Saturday Mike harvested over 3 lbs of honey from our bees. It went pretty well, though he was caught in a swarm of angry bees at one point. The new gloves are amazing. He did not get stung at all.

The home made honey was not as flavorful as Craig's honey, but perhaps that is just what flowers are available right now. To the right is a picture of a bar of honey comb from our hive. The bees did not want to give up their honey so they kept swarming back to the comb as they were being brushed off.

Next week Mike will likely harvest 4 more combs, so we really need to figure out what to do with it (that isn't a bad problem to have.).

We had a ward breakfast after the honey harvest, and the kids got to ride their bikes in a rainy bike parade. It was very popular.

In the evening we had BLT's, which were also very popular. Sara even liked them so much that she wasn't fussy immediately after her nap because she got to eat one.

On Sunday we ate our first peas of the year. They were very good. The kids have been looking forward to them every day, especially Sara. Now we are watching for more peas every day.

Mike has also been looking forward to the first two peppers that have begun to grow on the pepper plants. They are both going to be spicy ones, so the others are not as excited about them.

Finally, I have been working on the look of the kid's bank app, and I bought the domain "LilWarbucks.com" for $0.99, so that when I am done making the app I can put it online and perhaps make some money on it. Probably I will put some ads on it for those who don't pay a small fee (something like $0.99 a month, $4.99 a year, or $9.99 for a lifetime of no ads) to use it.


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