Honey, pictures, and the fruits of Thoreau

Last Sunday Rea and Timmy and Mike went over to a nearby church on a bike ride while Sara and Alison took a nap. They found strawberries and gooseberries in a field behind the church, but had to go home before they could pick them. On Monday the whole family went out and picked a bunch of berries. The kids had a lot of fun and ate a lot of berries. They also stepped on a whole lot of berries. We made a new rule that when picking berries one must take off one's shoes so that one will feel the berries that one steps on.

We ended up taking home enough strawberries to make a strawberry pie and freeze a gallon bag full of strawberries for future smoothies. We also got a few gooseberries, which we made a smoothie out of.

On Friday, for our date we played two board games while the kids watched two movies. It was fun for the whole family. 

Saturday morning Mike harvested more than 10 lbs of honey from the bees. With this much honey, it is likely that we will be selling some. Right now we want to keep most of it, and sell only a little bit of it. With this in mind we are probably going to sell it for about $10 a lb (way more expensive than most honey, however we will not be sad for the honey that we do sell if we sell it at that price). In order to sell the honey, we have to get $30 worth of licenses, so we will probably do that soon.

Inspired by Thoreau, we also decided to do a deep clean of the parent's room. It took all of Saturday to do it, and we took everything that was in the room out of it (and put it into the driveway so that we could take a picture of it.)

We then sorted all the things based on weather they were beautiful or useful (those that fit neither category were added to a garage sale pile). It was exhausting but great. The room looks amazing.

Finally, we have started another blog - one that tells about all of the homesteading stuff that we are doing. If you care about that one, feel free to sign up to get emails from it. Otherwise, you don't have to read it. We won't be offended.


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