Le bébé, c'est un garçon!

This week we went to the Dalyia's  neighbor's house a lot, and while we were there we picked cherries off of their tree. Neither the renters of the place nor the owner of the place wanted the cherries, so we ended up with about 7 gallons of frozen cherries. We also ate so many cherries that the kids don't want them anymore. This is quite impressive because they love fruit with a love that is unparalleled in any world in all possible universes.

The kids really enjoyed it this time because the Dalyia's are their good friends. Alison and Sister Dalyia also get along quite well, so it was fun all around. I spent most of my time up in the top of the tree on a ladder, but that suited me just fine.

Most of the week was spent in such pursuits, however on Friday we went to the Off-Broadway Theater and saw "The Pirates Of Penzance" - which is one of our favorite plays. The kids really enjoyed it. Rea said: "It was great!", Sara countered with "It was greater!". Timmy liked it (except for the love songs, which made him want to go to the potty).

Saturday was Timmy's birthday celebration. He had a bubble machine from the family, a car ramp from one set of grandparents, and a toy kitchen from the other set. He loved all of his presents. The one that he seemed to like the best was the bubble machine, to which he said:
"Yay! Yay! Yay! Bubbles! Bubbles!" and ran around in a circle bopping a bubble wand in the air.

Finally, we had an ultrasound, and "le bébé, c'est un garçon!"


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