Bean Knowledge!

Did you know that in japan the word trivia translates to "bean knowledge"?

Sunday was our Primary Program. Since Alison is the Primary music leader, that took quite a bit of our time and energy last week. Réa and Sara earned some money helping her prepare her visual aids for the kids to sing to. They've also been practicing their talks for the past two weeks (they got a treat for saying their parts from memory whenever Timmy got one for potty training) and listening to the CD of the program songs in the car every time we drove anywhere (Alison is SO GLAD to be done with that). It paid off; both girls said their parts clearly and without needing any prompting, and both knew all the words to all the songs. In fact, all of the kids did a wonderful job singing loudly and clearly. The closing song was Praise to the Man, with the kids singing the first verse and the congregation singing the rest, and Alison told the kids that from where she led the music, the kids were just as loud and clear as the entire rest of the congregation. For a primary of about 25 kids, only five of whom are over the age of 8, that's pretty impressive. Alison is very glad that's it's over, though, and she can sing whatever songs she wants instead of practicing the program songs. (At least for a few weeks, until the baby comes and she gets a break from Singing Time.)

Last week, Fall started emphatically. We had highs in the 60s and three days of rain. We don't think it got cold enough to finish off our garden, but now we're worried that first frost might be early this year. We love rain, so that was very exciting. Rea in particular wanted to go out and play in the rain, and all the kids loved the puddles. We had lots of fun at Forest Kindergarten, even with the weather changes. We rigged up a tent in case it rained on us out of Mommy's raincoat clothespinned to tree branches; it didn't actually rain until we were walking to the car, but it was fun to have a tent. We might need to get out our warmer clothes soon, though.

We picked a bunch of green beans on Thursday (our plants finally started producing) and make a big stir fry. Rea earned some money by picking about 50 beans, (which she later spent). Since we were in a bean mood, we played My First Bohnanza with them on Saturday, which they enjoyed a lot. They all loved trading beans and getting gold coins. They look forward to playing the more complex rules (with princesses and dragons and such.)

We also ended up making 3 trips to Barnes and Noble this last week. We decided to visit it for our date night on Friday, which ended up being a whole family date due to a lack of babysitters. The kids really enjoyed seeing all the kids books and toys, Alison found an updated version of a book she liked and flipped through it to see what changes had been made, and Mike looked at the clearance tables for games for the math trade. There weren't any good ones at the Barnes and Noble we went to, but it gave him the idea of looking at other Barnes and Nobles the next day, while Alison and the girls were at the practice for the Primary Program. He and Timmy visited several different Barnes and Nobles and had a very fun time. And then Rea announced that she wanted to earn enough money to buy the busy book she had seen at the store with My Little Pony figurines in it. Between them, she and Sara had enough to buy it after working for Alison on Program stuff, and Timmy decided to use all the money he's been given since birth and buy one with cars, so Alison took them back to Barnes and Noble Saturday night to make their purchases. So far they seem very happy with spending all their money on these things.

Although we tried to follow our regular schedule last week, the kids ended up with less time with friends than normal. No one could join us for Forest Kindergarten on Monday or Tuesday, and the family that was coming on Thursday had to turn around and go home when the youngest daughter threw up in the car on the way. (Yikes!) And our park homeschool group on Friday was canceled due to 50-odd degree temperatures and rain. The kids did get to do playgroup on Wednesday, but Rea in particular is searching for more friend time. Her best friend has had whooping cough for a few weeks, too.


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