Repeated Geocaching

This last week began with Labor day. Mike was off of work, and so we worked around the house and had a good time together as a family. We sang the traditional Labor Day song, and generally enjoyed ourselves.

We had a bit of a late night Monday because the kids were in a really festive mood, so it was with a little bit of trepidation that (on Tuesday) Mike went back to work and Alison back to taking care of the kids full time. Things went pretty well, although Mike forgot to wait for Scott to carpool with him.

Tuesday night Mike had a daddy daughter date planned with Sara. She picked that she wanted to go Geo-caching at wheeler farm with Mike and the other kids. They were able to find the Geo-cache that was there after a few minutes of searching. It was not in plain sight, however it wasn't hidden in a terrible place.

They had some things to put in the box, and they took some things out of the box. It ended up being a very fun pastime. They also got to see all of the animals and not chase the ducks. It was very popular.

The forest Kindergarten is going well. Both the kids and the parents are enjoying it, and the kids are not only learning stuff outside, but they are making less clean up work for the adults to do by not being in the house for those hours.

Mike has been (since he finished his other game) working on Fighting Robots. It is moving along at a reasonable pace. He has played it three times, and Alison has played it once. The game is playable, but the balance still needs to be discovered.

Friday we canned 6 more cans of peaches. This time, we pre-processed them so that they fit much better in the jar. We have more peaches, but at the rate that the kids eat them, and the fact that date night is tomorrow, we just might not get to them in time.

Saturday we made a list of things to do, which included: Build a box for the 3d printer, fix Alison's bike, play Lion King, play Horsey King, and go to the DI. I'll let you guess which list item was added to the list by which person. We did get through all of them with the exception of Horsey King.

Late Saturday we went over to flat iron mesa park to find another geocache, and we also found some green grapes that were growing on the park side of the fence. We have standing permission to eat these guy's grapes, so in addition to geocaching, we picked and ate green grapes. Fresh grapes taste so good :).

On Sunday we had area conference, and so church ended early. After it was over he had a ward Walkabout, which was very fun for all the kids in the ward. We ended up visiting four houses, and the kids loved all the free desserts, playing with all of the kids in the ward in various people's front yards, and also walking around after the sun went down.

Timmy has become far more eloquent in his choice of words recently. For instance today he said "Mommy has a big fat baby in her tummy". Such sentences would have been beyond him mere weeks ago, but now they are common place.

Sara is also growing up so much. She has been so helpful this week - even helping Alison get her shoes, and putting them on her when Alison expressed that bending over to get shoes was too much work (Alison is, after all pretty pregnant (which means both pretty and pregnant)).

Rea has been making friends with the kids from forest kindergarten.  Today she even invited one of them over to play after the class was over. They had a fun time playing with horses, and riding bikes around together.

Also, check out It is super cool. Mike is trying to get the algorithm working on his computer so that he can make something that will paint like any given artist.


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