Children of the woods

For Rea's date night we bought mint ice cream, and had mint ice cream and watched an episode of my little ponies. Since then, we have been eating mint ice cream every so often, because - hey! mint ice cream.

Sara read a book for the first time this week, so we had a goal day party for her. She wanted brownies, so Alison made us a batch, and then we played games together. and ate mint ice cream.

On Wednesday Mike finished his dragon game up and entered it into the game competition. He hasn't heard anything back yet, but even if he doesn't win, it was a fun contest.

The outdoor preschool is going well. Alison decided to hold it on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays: there is a ward playgroup that meets on Wednesdays, and on Fridays they already have a preschool group. They had a different family join every day this week (which the kids really enjoyed). They managed to stay outside for about 5 hours each day without the kids whining (which was the goal).

The kids had a lot of fun getting muddy and wet and trying to catch fish and water skeeters. It has been a clear success.

Since it was pretty good weather on Saturday, we decided to muck out the goat shed. It took till about lunch time, so we had lunch and then had a nap. Alison, Timmy, and Sara slept, but Mike and Rea stayed up. We ended up going to the farmers market and buying more peaches and some reject tomatoes (they were $8 a box, which seemed like a good deal). Once we got home, Alison milked, and since Mike was pretty tired by that time (and we didn't use up our entertainment budget from last month), we ended up getting Chinese takeout for dinner and eating it in the park.

The park that we ate at is the same park that the kids go to for outdoor preschool. There we saw wild apple trees, a plum tree, a pear tree, some peach trees, as well as tons of thorny crab-apple trees - it must be an orchard that went back to nature, or something.

Rea's birthday is coming up, so she wrote a birthday list for us. It included faerie wings, a doll bed, and a 18 inch doll.


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