Busy again

This week was still pretty busy. It seems like until this baby is born we won't have a minute's rest.

Monday we had family night. Sara taught us about Moses and the burning bush. She said that we should obey heavenly father, so that was pretty much all you could ask for. Timmy wanted to play chess for the activity, so that was fun as well.

Tuesday Alison had stake auxiliary training, so Mike watched the kids while she went. We cleaned up the house, and then, since we were done early we watched an episode of My Little Ponies (Mike was tired, he hasn't been sleeping well.)

Alison went to the midwife on Tuesday and found out that the baby is facing the wrong way. He's head-down, which is the important thing, but his face is toward her stomach instead of her back, which tends to lead to longer, more painful labor. She's not having that, so she is doing all sorts of crazy exercises to turn the baby around.
Timmy is loving his new tiger pajamas

Wednesday was Sara's date night, and we watched more my little ponies, and had a fire. The girls wanted marshmallows, but I told them we had none. This (as you will soon see) turned out to be a lie, but I didn't know it at the time.

Thursday we had nothing planned in the evening, so we had a fire again, and Alison hunted and found ?year? old marshmallows that were like rocks. We pounded marshmallow roasters into them, cooked them and ate them. The kids had a hard time chewing them up, but they loved them anyway.

Friday we had a play: Glass Menagerie. It was interesting, and ended on a low note, but there is a hidden secret good thing that may have happened, so perhaps it wasn't all that bad. We had a fun time talking, and being away from the kids anyway.

Saturday we packed for the baby to be born, installed the car seat, and worked on some projects that we have wanted to do for a while. After we were done, Timmy wanted to go to wheeler farm (his favorite place ever), and so we did. We found a cool out of the way forest, and romped through it. We also saw all the animals, and such. The donkeys were playing a biting each-other's legs game, which was very interesting to the kids.

Every picture from the wheeler farm trip ended up pretty bad


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