"We Should Call It 'Blog Post-y,'" said Sara

Monday night we got a new goat named Olive. She is a LaMancha. She is much the same color as Lala was, and only a little bit taller. She is producing about a half a gallon a day, and she is so quiet. We are very happy with her so far. We have started making yogurt again, as well as cheeses.

Tuesday Alison went to the midwife and found out that she is Group B Strep negative. She was positive the last two babies we had and so had to get 4 hours' worth of IV antibiotics while in labor. She is really excited about not having to go to the midwife so early on our new baby's birthday. She has been eating a lot of probiotic foods to try and make sure that would be so.

Tuesday night Mike went to another game design meeting. It was fun, and he played a cool new game.

Wednesday was Rea's date night, and we watched "My Little Ponies: the Movie" (which is the movie with "Nothing can stop the smooze" in it). It was fun, and we had a good time.

Thursday Alison and the kids spent an extra-long time at Forest Kindergarten. They hadn't been there for two days because of midwife appointments and play group, and the kids were bouncing off the walls. Even Réa's birthday present bar to swing on isn't enough.

They are getting very dependent on enough outside time. We figure that's good for them, though. They really enjoy Forest Kindergarten, even if they don't have any friends meeting them there anymore.

Thursday evening Alison had a relief society meeting, so Mike took care of the kids. Rea would like to note that it isn't snowing yet. She is disappointed.

Friday we watched The Importance of being Earnest. A coworker of Mike lent a DVD of it to us, and we watched it while Rea took care of Timmy and Sara. It was a funny take on the story - they definitely changed some of the lines, and Lady Bracknell seemed to be very important in this version. It was funny. (The play is one of our favorite plays overall, so it is hard for them to mess it up.)

By the end of the play, Sara and Timmy were both watching the play with us, so Rea's babysitting wasn't that effective, but we got a small part of a play without interruptions.

On Saturday we put our garden to bed for the winter. We picked all the rest of everything, and made a huge tempura fry. This was an excellent festive way of ending the garden, so we will probably do it in future years as well.

We cooked up a second batch of those shrimp chips that Amy gave to us. It seems like we have enough for at least 6 more meals (a quarter sized chip plumps up to a chip with the diameter of a grapefruit when cooked, so the bag we got will last a long time.)

Timmy has been talking more and more. He needs to work on his enunciation, however he can freely form whatever sentence he wants to. Today he asked me "Daddy, are girls humans?" I told him "I don't know." (ha ha ha, not really.)

He also has started to say "What funny!" whenever he thinks that something is strange or amusing.


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