Out with the old and in with the new

It rained a lot last weekend, so the kids had a great time seeing how the creek changed due to the weather patterns. We all love Forest Kindergarten, even if we don't have anyone joining us right now. Alison is holding off inviting people more because this baby might come at any point (even though he's not due for three and a half weeks).

Thursday we picked more grapes. The kids did a good job of staying on task this time, and they got a lot of grapes in the box. Rea enjoyed climbing up the fence to get the grapes. They have been eating them since.

Mike also found a website to generate planet images. He will use this in creating his games. He is really working hard to try to get them done before December.

On Friday we went to a play: Drac Man vs Superior Man. It was one of the plays at the Off Broadway Theatre Utah. It was in their usual style: silly jokes and a light story. They had a few parts where they totally went off of the script and ended up improvising a whole bunch. They had Count Dracula end up as the president of the US, and he answered questions from the press in an obviously off the cuff manner. It was pretty funny.

The kids were taken care of by one of our normal babysitters, and they reported having had a fun time.

Saturday was Rea's birthday. She got way more gifts than is customary - apparently her grand parents were in a very giving mood this year. The celebrations included a home-made pumpkin pie and macaroni and cheese with kielbasa. She has been playing with all of her gifts a bunch, but the favorite that she reported to me is the modelling clay.

Saturday evening we had a Brown family get-together at Amy's house. We ate pizza, talked, and the kids jumped on the trampoline. It was a fun time. Near the end we cracked open a pinata (Rea really wanted one for her birthday, so we got her one, but then she wanted to do it with her cousins, so we took it with us to the get-together.) It is good to get together with my family. Now that all the Poulsons are gone, they are all the family we can see regularly.

On Sunday we went to Amy's daughter's baby blessing. It was the same time as our sacrament meeting, so we left quickly so that we could be there for the rest of our church.

On Monday we sold Lala - our bigger goat. She has been giving less and less milk, and rather than drying her up and getting her pregnant again (and waiting 5 months for milk), we decided to go for a full-sized goat instead. We got a LaMancha goat that's currently giving a gallon of milk a day and is SO quiet and docile to replace her. She came with the name Olive but the kids are arguing for the name "Boy Goat Dilly Dilly Lavender Alice." (Timmy wants Boy Goat, Rea Dilly Dilly, and Sara Lavender Alice, but they're all OK with just stacking all the names on her.) We found out that herd shares are currently legal in Utah, so if we have too much milk we can sell a share of the goat and her milk to some of our neighbors.


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