I hate toys! And toys hate me!

We opened our Christmas eve pajamas, and the kids loved dressing up in them. We ended up taking a picture for our Christmas post in them.
Christmas eve we left out fudge for Santa, and he swapped it for cookies, which he must have picked up somewhere in the neighborhood or something. We definitely did not make them.
On Christmas morning, the kids woke up at 5:00, and we went out to open our presents. Santa had also brought us fruit, which we all cut up and made a salad out of. It was amazing. We also had Apple dumplings, but the salad was really the star of the show.
Gideon got two presents, and he didn't really like either of them since he doesn't grab things yet.
Timmy really loves his robotic dog toy. He also got a dart gun, but it was too hard for him to pull back. He will like it better later when he is stronger. He also got boomwhackers, which are perfect for him, except that he wants to bop other things instead.
Sara claimed that all of her presents were her favorite: she loved her mechanical cat, her starfall subscription, and also her barbie pony.
Rea liked her sewing kit the best but has been playing with all of her toys a lot.
Alison claims that her instant pot is her favorite gift, but she hasn't used it yet. She is totally going to put black beans in it tonight to use for chili tomorrow.
Mike likes his new computer, but hasn't gotten it working yet. After he installed the drivers for the graphics card the wireless somehow turned off and quit working. Hopefully he can figure it out soon.
We had decided to use the Monday after Christmas to clean out the 3d printer room because Mike had the day off of work. We were surprised to remember that we also were expecting Craig and Julie to come over at the same time. They were super helpful because the distracted the kids and we got things done much faster than we would have alone.
Alison's parents were going to be spending the night, so we set up the big air mattress that we bought in the 3d printer room, and it is now an excellent spare room. If anyone needs to visit we have a place for them to stay.
On Wednesday Alison showed "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" to the kids. They all loved Burgermeister Meisterburger the most. Just tonight they had me pretend to be them as I made them clean up their room. The love having an evil parent bossing them around. I don't know why it is a fun game, but they all seem to like it.
Friday we finished up the final modifications to my game documents for the Ion Award. We submitted two games this year. Hopefully they will be super popular with the judges. Who knows?
Saturday morning I did not buy an electric car. It was possible that I was going to buy one because it was the last day of the year, but it didn't pan out. I suppose that if I had bought one it would have been a sign that I was going to die when I turned 64 years old (since it would have been my mid-life crisis). Alison and the kids are totally happy that I didn't get a car. I am not unhappy, but it would have been interesting.
Saturday evening we had the Sumpsion family New years eve party at our house. It was not well attended this year - there were only 11 people there from two families. We had all of the traditional activities, and we even played some board games (because we like them).
Alison decided to buy a lego set next year, so that as we wait for the ball drop the kids can put it together. This may become a tradition.
Sunday we started late church for the first time. It was way too late. Oh well. What can you do?
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