Laser Dolphins

We had our first sub-goal achieved this week: Rea finished reading 1st Nephi. Her goal for the year is to finish the small plates section of the Book of Mormon, but waiting until the end of a year for a goal day party is too long for the kids, so they get parties for important milestones. We went to a drive through for a chocolate Oreo milkshake and made homemade macaroni and cheese with ham to celebrate. (The mac and cheese had a secret ingredient that no one even guessed: a baked sweet potato pureed in the sauce. Alison had her doubts about the recipe, but no one noticed a thing, so maybe this will always be done in the future; more vegetables are always good.)

Gideon loves grabbing on to people's fingers and getting picked up in that manner. We compliment him profusely when he does (calling him a strong baby). Whenever he is done with a diaper change Alison does that, and Mike just does it whenever Gideon seems to be in a good mood.

He really is a very easy baby. We are so happy that he is like that.

During the first few days of last week Mike printed up figurines for his robots vs aliens game. He printed up extra ones so that Timmy could have a few to play with, and Timmy absolutely loved it. Robots are Timmys favorite thing now.

He constantly wants more robots to be printed up, and he had Mike tell him stories about brave punching robots that fought evil ducks, mimes, crabs, fish, and an evil blue witch who made it always morning and never breakfast (and punched their faces off, and then put the faces on itself). It is fun that he likes them so much.

On Friday Alison and Mike played a new board game for our date. It was confusing, but we are going to try it out more in the future, because it seems like it could be an interesting game once you understand it.

On Saturday we walked to Maceys (because we hadn't gotten out enough this week). It was a fun walk, and we ended up buying things with the last of our food budget.

This week Mike also finished up building his laser cutter/engraver. Basically all he had to do was attach a laser to the 3d printer print head. He tried it out for the first time on Saturday, and it worked wonderfully. The kids were in bed for the first cut, so they got to see the results of it on Sunday morning.

Rea asked for dolphins, so Sunday morning we had four paper dolphins that had been laser cut. Mike also installed a new 2mm cardboard ablative bed to the printer, so that when the paper is cut all the way through it doesn't cut anything else.

He still has to figure out how to determine where to place the thing to be cut (he has just been placing it by hand, but that it error prone, so he is going to build a guide that the thing to be cut can be pushed up against to make sure that it is in the right place).


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