Timmy is a baby hopping shooter froggy

On Martin Luther King Jr Day we were invited over to Scott and Sheila's house to visit with them. Max and Olivia really wanted to play Axis and Allies, and so Mike set it up to play with them. Scott called the game after a few hours, and since Timmy had abandoned Moscow and Olivia had taken it over, the Axis won. Max was very unhappy about that.

Mike took the opportunity to discuss an idea that he has had with Sheila. He has decided to make a children's book entitled "Brave Lala", and he asked her if she wanted to do some illustrations for it. She agreed to give it a try. We are looking forward to seeing what her drawings look like.

In addition, Alison and Mike have been reading through "In Which a Prince Burns Things" - A very rough draft novel that Mike wrote in 2011. We are considering trying to clean it up to get it published. It has quite a few funny parts, but also needs a lot of work. It will be a fun change of pace from editing rules docs all the time.

Tuesday morning Alison presented the Second Great Lesson, which features a six foot Timeline of Life. Rea really enjoyed seeing the different life forms in different times, and she was especially interested in the dinosaurs. Timmy paid a bit of attention and decided that he was interested in frogs. So they went to the library for the afternoon and got dozens of dinosaur and frog books. The kids has been playing dinosaurs and reading about them all week; Mike even 3D printed them some new dinosaurs. Timmy also likes to play that he's a frog, and he's learning about tadpoles.

On Wednesday, Alison, Sara, Timmy, and Gideon all woke up with colds. They've been snuffling and coughing and sleeping extra all week. It's been no fun and Alison has been grumpy about it. Luckily, everyone seems almost better now.

Friday Grandma Julie and Grandpa Craig arrived and went to the zoo with Alison and the kids. The Utahns thought it was a nice winter day, while the Californians were freezing, but the animals were out and it was lots of fun. It wore out the sick kids, especially Timmy, and they took good naps.

Friday night the Brown grandparents showed up and we all talked and had a fun time. It seems like we have gotten way more snow so far this year than is average. On Friday we got more than a foot of snow, and probably we got at least a foot and a half Friday and Saturday combined.

Saturday, the Browns invited us all sledding, and we had an excellent time. Everyone went once, and Rea and Mike went a lot of times. It was Rea's first time sledding on a large hill, and she really took to it.

Saturday we went to the Sizzler for a Brown family dinner. It was fun, and all of the family came.

Sunday we had Gideon's blessing. A subset of the family came, but we appreciated having all those that did come. A lot of people couldn't come because they were sick - it seems to be cold season.


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