In Which the Brown Family Awaits Repair Men

For the first half of the week, the kids were still a little sick. They'd have little half-day fevers, or sleep for long periods. We've gotten good naps out of them all week, which has been nice. By Thursday, they seemed better, so Friday Alison took the kids to a library puppet show and then to play group at the park. Everyone is looking forward to good weather and good health and lots of fun for the upcoming week.

Monday an electrician was supposed to come install a outdoor plug for the electric car, but we got a call from the company saying that the electrician was in the ER and they had to reschedule. The kids were still pretty unwell and it was a lazy day. Mike took the car to work and charged it up; he likes it as a commuter car (although it only has a range of about 60 miles so anywhere but necessary nearby driving is out) and is looking forward to no gas and no oil changes.

Late Monday night our foreign exchange student arrived. She is about 40 and is here getting a Master's degree in health administration. She knows that Qing is hard for Americans to say, so she picked the name Vivian to go by here. Her school starts Monday the 24th.

Tuesday morning the electrician came and put in the new outlet, so now Mike can charge his car at home. We had intended to take Vivian to some stores and show her around the area after he left, but she ended up napping most of the day because of jet lag.

Wednesday the new windows we ordered from Champion were due to arrive. They anticipated that it would take from 10 am to 5 pm to install them. The installers actually came at 12:30, and when they got the old windows off they found an exposed ledge of brick inside the old windows that they hadn't expected, so they had to cover it with drywall as part of the installation. They ended up being unable to finish Wednesday and came back Thursday morning. By early Thursday afternoon it was finally done. The new windows look amazing! They are far better insulated than the old ones and we hope it will make the rooms less drafty and easier to heat. They are also guaranteed for life against any problems, including a kid hitting a ball through them; no matter what, Champion will replace them for free. We are very excited. But it did mean that Alison and the kids spent all of Wednesday and Thursday at home as well, waiting for the windows to be done. It was a rather dull week for them.

It rained on Tuesday, so Wednesday night Mike went on a mushroom hunt with everyone who wanted to go. They didn't find anything, but it was fun. Thursday night Mike took Vivian to run some errands, since it hadn't happened all week with the repair men coming.

Mike finally finished working on his time travel game, and submitted it to the contest that he was working on it for. He now has one more contest left and he will (hopefully) be able to take a few months off.

Friday the kids finally were well enough to play with friends. Hooray! We played some games as a family, and Mike and Alison got caught up on some of their favorite web comics after the kids were in bed as a low-key date. (Alison was worn out and didn't want anything more complex.)

Saturday we spent the morning doing necessary things: Mike fixed the bathroom fan, Alison went to a stake training meeting for primary presidencies, etc. We went to the school playground for a lunch break and ended up staying for 3 hours. A bunch of other kids were there and it was good for kids to play with them. They had a great time. Maybe we'll take the kids over there often on a Saturday afternoon, if this is normal. The kids took good naps while Mike worked on his Christmas graphics design computer, and we played Legos after dinner. After the kids were in bed, Mike and Alison played Terran League of Defense Robots. It was a fun day.

We have been enjoying a library book called "An Undone Fairy Tale," in which the illustrator is not done creating each page and the author begs you in small type not to turn the page. Sara finds it absolutely hilarious and asks for it to be read multiple times a day. Everyone else likes it too. We're also reading the chapter book "Princess Olivia" as a family; it's also very funny.

Rea wants to tell everyone that her easter egg hunts have now been postponed for half a month. We had too many relapses to reschedule the one with neighbors this week, so we're waiting for next week. We tried to invite the cousins to come Saturday, but it didn't work out (Mike forgot to send the text). She really hopes it will happen soon.

Sara is asleep as we're writing this. She has been enjoying being silly this week. We explained the phrase "being a ham" to the kids and that describes her well. Her new favorite phrase is, "You're a big blue moo!"

Timmy loves playing Legos. He asks Mike every day to play board games with him. Mommy and the kids are going to save up to get the kit that makes Legos into robots in a few months, and that will be the best thing ever.

Gideon has not been sleeping well, but he's so happy and cute and bouncy when he's awake. He's started eating with us at the table and throwing all the dishes on the floor, and he thinks books and paper are the best thing to nom.


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