Qing Sounds Like Tsing and Means Blue-Green

Monday Alison felt sick - she had a temperature and wanted to lay around all day. Mike offered to stay home and take care of her, but she said that she would be fine. Rea did a great job keeping the other big kids happy and fed, and Gideon loved being able to snuggle with Mommy all day long.

Monday about 11:00 we got an offer to host a foreign exchange student from China. One of Mike's co-workers knows a guy at a college whose job it is to set up places for them to stay. We all discussed the offer, and decided to give it a go. The kids are very excited.

柳青(Liu Qing) is a 40 year old grad student who wants to learn English as part of her medical education. She will live in the spare room for at least a month (if both parties are still having fun after that, then it can continue on a month to month basis up to until she gets her degree). She is arriving on Monday.

It has been a very busy week, getting ready for her.

Tuesday Alison was feeling better, but still lethargic. As Mike went to drive to work, his car completely died in the middle of the road. It lost power steering and brakes, and it wouldn't turn on at all. Mike thinks it is electric. He said a prayer, wiggled the wires under the hood, and got it working long enough to drive back home. It hasn't started since then.

He borrowed Alison's car, and went to work anyway, thinking of that Leaf that he almost bought at New Year's.

Tuesday night, Mike went to the Board Game Design Guild and the rest of the family watched The Prince of Egypt for a new Easter week tradition. The kids all liked it and no one was too scared - it probably helped that they all knew the story going into it - although Timmy was a little concerned about brothers not being good to each other. He is very proud to be a brother and does a great job.

Wednesday Alison was all the way recovered, and so she drove Mike to work so that she could do some shopping for our annual Passover dinner. He got home by bumming a ride off a coworker.

Alison got a free download link for an LDS Passover dinner plan, so we did that this year. It was very enjoyable, so we'll probably keep using it. We had lamb curry, matzoh ball soup, and an Israeli salad with cherry tomatoes (which the kids love), as well as the symbolic bitter herbs, green herbs, matzoh (unleaven bread), and haroseth (apple and nut salad in a cinnamon-honey-grape juice dressing - everyone's favorite). We talked about the symbolism of the Passover, referencing both Moses and Christ.

After dinner, Daddy and the kids dyed Easter Eggs for Rea's date night while Mommy rested from all the cooking and went to a Primary Presidency meeting. The egg dye packet this year came with sticker eyes and mouths, and the kids had an amazing time playing with them.

Thursday Mike wanted to buy a car, and found one on KSL, but the mechanic that was Leaf certified was not in at the dealer, so he couldn't get it checked out. He took Alison's car and went to work normally.

Thursday during the day Rea came down with a fever, but she recovered quicker, and was only sick for one day. Rea had originally invited some of her friends over for an Easter egg hunt on Monday, but when Alison was sick, she cancelled it and rescheduled for Thursday. Rea was very disappointed when she got sick and it had to be cancelled again. Fingers crossed, it will happen soon.

Friday Mike bought a new car from way out in podunkville Utah, and it was quite a hassle to get all the way out there, and back, as the Leaf wasn't charged all the way, but he made it and now owns a "new" 2011 Leaf.

For our date night we had pizza and then went to IKEA to buy furniture for 青's bedroom. We then built an IKEA bed before going to sleep.

On Saturday Sara, Timmy, and Gideon all got the bug, and they were all feverish and sleeping all day. We had planned to have an Easter egg hunt with Mike's family, but Amy and Heather didn't want to come with our kids all sick, so we will reschedule for next week. Alison forgot to tell Sheila the kids were sick (she'd gotten the impression they wouldn't be coming because of their own sickness issues), so she brought Olivia and Petra. Rea came outside and hid and hunted eggs with them.

We built the IKEA desk Saturday, and finished cleaning the room for 青, and got the yard picked up and mowed. Mike and Alison's room will take a little more work to make everything fit in smoothly, but the spare room is now completely empty and ready for 柳青.

Mike hasn't gotten sick yet (cross your fingers everyone).


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