Robots, Babies, Dinosars, and Goats

This week for FHE we talked about what we learned at General Conference.

Wednesday we went to Wheeler Farm for Timmy's date night. The kids loved seeing the animals, and playing on the play structures.

Thursday Mike went to the BGDG meeting, and the kids and Alison watched a movie.

On Friday we went to the new sushi place for a date. It has really good prices, and the sushi was also pretty good, so we are excited that they opened the place up.

We also got a large quantity of cooking oil, which we ordered from a website which had qite reasonable prices. At the rate that we use oil for Mike's bread making, it was a good thing to get.

Saturday Mike spent some time getting Storybook weaver up and running on Alison's computer. Alison remembers playing it all of the time as a kid, and it seems that the kids quite like it already. Mike made a story for Timmy, and this is a page of it:

Saturday night we had the church easter egg hunt, and made toothpick-marshmallow geometric shapes as a kid activity. It was quite popular, even among the older young kids.

When we were walking home, it was snowing. That was unexpected. It snowed all night, and there were downed trees in our neighborhood in the morning. We had two branches that broke, but other than that we didn't really suffer that much. Mike has started thinking of pruning equiptment to take care of some branches that are overhanging our house.

Sunday we played the Palm Sunday Donkey Game, which is now a Brown family tradition. Mike won three times, and the kids won two. It was fun times for all involved.


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