Fun blog post

We did not have a baby this week. We did, however, get everything packed up and ready for when the baby does decide to come. Alison is betting on the week after next.

On Sunday, for Family Night, Rea wanted to visit the temple grounds. So we drove to the Draper temple and walked around. It was very beautiful and the kids enjoyed seeing the flowers and walking on the wide edge of the oval flower bed in front of the temple. It was a good family night. Thank you, Rea!

We actually had nice weather most of the week, finally! There were still some storms, but mostly at night, so we could play outside a lot. The kids spent lots of time in the backyard. They are really enjoying the new tree fort.

Some day this week Mike ran a 5k. He had a fun time running beside one of his coworkers, and his new shoes fit so well that his feet didn't hurt afterward.

Mike signed up to be a playtester for the new version of High Frontier. It's supposed to take only 2 hours, but it's taking him and Alison much longer. This may be because they only play in short spurts after the kids are in bed, and they have to recalculate what they were doing each time. Also, at least one day was spent fixing all the things they'd played wrong the night before. The makers of the game are coming out with helpful rule documents and cheat sheets every day, so sometimes they realize they misunderstood the first set of rules when a new help comes out. But they've just sent their first ships into space on around turn 22, so things are moving along.

On Thursday, Mike went to Board Game Design Guild, so Alison and the kids had a movie night. Alison found the new animated Surprise Island at the library, so they watched that. It was just as good as the movie of The Boxcar Children, although Rea was disappointed that it didn't show them pulling up lobster pots. These movies do a great job of following the books, so they're slow-paced and not too scary. They make nice family movies.

Friday night Alison and Mike went to Grease for real. It was fun; the actors did a great job bringing the characters to life, and the singing was excellent. The kids really enjoyed having a babysitter, so everything went well.

Saturday we ran lots of errands and did some fun things like reading and watching movies and playing games. It was a nice day.

Sunday we were going to have a game day with some friends, but it was cancelled due to sickness in the other family. Too bad. We're probably not going to have another game day until August or so, since the baby will interfere with anything sooner. We had a good time at home instead.

Mike feels the need to add in that the definition of "having a good time" is reading little house in the big woods, and periodically getting cranky and wrestling until we all collapse on the ground.

We are not planning anything big this upcoming week because the baby - we'll notify you guys if she comes early!


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