Poor, poor pitiful us

We made them into jelly and ice cream and smoothie, and plan on making a pie.
On Wednesday Mike called an arborist to schedule them chopping down our cottonwood tree. It died this year, and we miss it.
Timmy is very sad about chopping down the tree, but we don't want it falling on our house, so we have to do it.
Mike also took Gideon in to set up his surgery (for removing his extra toes) and got a date for that (July 9th).
We ordered LED strip lights for the front room, and they arrived Wednesday. Thursday we went out and bought a bunch of stuff to finish installing them including a Costa Rican mask to hide the electronics.
We got the crown molding installed, and the mask, but not the lights themselves. Mike needs to do some electrical work before we are ready for that, but we think that it is gonna look great.
Thursday we also walked Rea to activity day, and then went on to the park to play. We rolled down the big hill, and played on the rocks and at the play structure.

Since we have been planning on having five children for most of our marriage, and we now have them, Mike got a vasectomy on Friday.
Planning on Mike being indisposed for a while, we laid up a store of frozen meals and taught Rea how to make them.
Sara and Rea have been the cooks, nurses, dish washers, house keepers, baby sitters and ladies of all work for the weekend.
They have also been farmers - their pea plants that they planted have been producing dozens of pea pods, and they have been picking a lot of them every day this week. It is great that someone can keep plants alive in our family.
Most of Saturday Mike laid around, and the kids played Legos. Alison continued to take it easy (because Elizabeth is a pro wrestler, and has been pinning her to the lazy boy)
While this was happening, Gideon apparently got a hold of the Kindle and ordered a bunch of books and magazines for us. We were able to return them, and we have now locked the Kindle so he can't do that again.
Baby Elizabeth is growing well, and she is very strong. She is capable of pushing herself across a mat if you provide her with counter pressure. She also can control her head pretty well.
She has a strong personality as well. And she shows it by enjoying her siblings company, and only wanting to be with her mom. It is sort of sad for Mike because he would happily hold her all day. It is also sort of sad for mommy because she would happily be doing things.
Oh well - perhaps when she gets older she will enjoy daddies company more.
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