Tree Fort!

On Monday we celebrated Memorial day with Mike's family, having a picnic at the park and playing with the cousins. The kids all had a fun time together while the adults talked. The kids then all wandered too far away, so we had to break up the conversation to discover where they all had gone off to. Grandpa Mike helped them catch a little garter snake, and they all loved holding it.

After that, we worked some more on the fort, and also prepared to swap all of the winter clothes with summer clothes. The girls needed new clothing, but aunt Amy had supplied enough boy clothes for Timmy and Gideon that we didn't need to buy them anything.

The day was blessedly free of rain - We like rain normally, but picnics in the rain is another thing altogether. Overall this week was pretty rain free, so we got more time outside, however the kids still fought a lot, so perhaps we have to break the habit from them.

Tuesday Alison and the kids went to Wheeler farm. The kids met up with some friends and had a good time wandering and playing near the animals. The next day they played with Marissa, and Thursday they went to the library and got lots of new books. It was a fun week for them.

We "finished" the tree fort construction on Thursday - it now has rails and a rope ladder, so the kids can now use it, however we still need to improve the rails and paint the thing. Unfortunately it rained Saturday, so we couldn't paint it then. We went to the store and found two quarts of seconds exterior paint; that's not enough for the whole thing, but it's a start.

Friday was our first week of summer vacation from our Friday nature group, but we still had Wildflower Park day. We might start going there earlier, since we're used to spending all day at the park on Fridays. It was perfect weather and Alison and the kids had lots of friends there, so it was great.

We bought tickets to a play, and tried to go to it on Friday, but when we arrived, we discovered that it was actually next week. Mike was the person in charge of that, so he isn't sure how that happened. We have a baby sitter already set up for the play next week

This week we also reached the point in this pregnancy where the baby is full term, so at any time she could reasonably come. Alison usually has long pregnancies, so we are not holding our breaths, however we did spend some time packing a "baby bag" for when the baby comes and the kids go over to aunt Amy's house. We're expecting her pretty close to Timmy's birthday (June 18th), but we'll see when she decides to come. Any plans at this point have the caveat of "if the baby doesn't come."


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