A Few of Our Favorite Things

Rea's favorite thing this week was going to the Dalyais' nature group on Wednesday. There was water in the normally-dry streambed, and the kids had a great time playing with it and collecting beautiful rocks. They started to build a boat. They're looking forward to continuing the boat next week.

Sara's favorite thing about this week was her Carnival party on Thursday. She wanted a ballet themed party, but she also wanted worms in dirt as her treat. We ended up not doing much with the theme. We had the Nutcracker music playing and some of the kids dressed up and danced. The worms in dirt became dancing gummy bears in dirt. She invited our best friends the Dalyais and our new best friends the Birds. The kids loved playing together and the moms had a great conversation. We hope this group will continue getting together after Carnival.

Timmy's favorite thing this week was playing LEGO. He made a LEGO Ewok and an Ewok forest for it to live in. He even found a spear for it. And he played some long stories about his Ewok hunting in the forest and fighting Darth Vader.

Gideon's favorite thing this week was playing monkeysaurus rex and bananas on Sunday. In order to play monkeysaurus rex, Gideon climbs up on Mike's legs and is a banana up in a tree. Then Mike tickles him until he falls out of the tree, peels him (because he's wrapped in a blanket), and eats him.

Elizabeth's favorite thing was sleeping a little better. Oh, wait, that was Mommy and Daddy's favorite thing. She slept better most of the week, until last night. We hope that was a one-night thing and she'll do better tonight.

Alison's favorite thing this week was getting her first reward for her myrrh gift goal. She set a goal to keep the house cleaner every month. For about two weeks of January, she had the kids do five minute tidies three times a day, and she feels like it kept the house very clean! She hasn't done it for a week, but it was progress, so she got her first goal reward. She decided to sign up for a 30 day free trial to Deseret Bookshelf, because it has all of the Sarah M. Eden audiobooks available on demand. She's going to see how many of the Lancaster/Jonquil romance series she can get through in a month. There are 11 of them at the moment (and at least one more to come), so it's a lot. Now she's encouraged to do more in February and get another reward.

Mike's favorite thing is being done with mailing out the tithing tax forms to the entire ward. Normally, when Mike has to send out all of these letters, he has to print them all up himself, stuff them all, lick them all, stamp them all, and it takes a long time. But this time, lots of family members came with him to help, so it took less time, and it was pleasant. Although, the kids were rambunctious sometimes. But we got it done and went out for ice cream to celebrate.

The whole family's favorite thing was going swimming with the Plastows at Grandma's hotel pool. Grandma Sheila was coming for the weekend, but storms stopped her from leaving home. We missed her a lot, but we liked having our cousins over Friday night and swimming at the pool on Saturday.


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