Foraging again
Most of this blog post was dictated by the kids. See if you can guess which parts:
On Monday and Tuesday there was a lot of snow here in Utah. It snowed all night, and when we woke up we had 10+ inches. It continued to snow until we had about 16 inches. We had a lot of fun in the snow, and it is still around a bit.
On Monday we played outside in the snow in the yard. Shoveling the driveway took hours! We made Samoan cocoa afterward.
Tuesday we went to nature group in the snow, which was fun. We found big icicles (as tall as Gideon!) and played in the snow. Gideon and Elizabeth were whiny, but the other kids had fun.
Wednesday we went sledding at the Dalyai's nature group and it was very fun. There was a sled run named Potato Burglars' Run, which was fast and very fun and a little scary. Sara went down it twice even though she didn't like it.
On Friday at nature group, Timmy and Sara sledded in Mommy's big sled and it was very fast. Mom bought this new sled to haul Baby, Instant Pot, and Gideon around at nature group. It definitely made the trip easier. Gideon was slightly less whiny than last time. Mom also bought Baby a waterproof snowsuit, so she was able to lay in the sled and take a nap for part of the time. Timmy got wet and cold and whiny before the end, but it was still better than last week.
We went to the DI this week on Saturday and got baskets for putting around the art table so that we could organize our art supplies. The girls also got additional baskets to make into fairy houses. They bought some fake flowers and ribbons to decorate the fairy houses.
We went to flat iron mesa park and we hiked up the hill and we found a sumac forest and a rosehip bush. We harvested from both, and we decided to make jellies and jams. We climbed over the fence (that keeps kids from sledding near the road) and we made stairs out of snow.
On Saturday when mom and dad went to the stake conference we had a baby sitter - Naomi Dalyai - and she brought construction paper and we made construction paper origami and snowflakes. And we watched Wild Kratts and made potions and chemical reactions in the kitchen. And we made chocolate-coated bananas and had a lot of fun.
Gideon wanted to contribute to this blog post:
"One Sunny morning I really wanted to visit Rea's house but Dad and Mom didn't say I could and Rea lives far away but Mom let me go to Rea's house. Then we went there Rea had M&Ms and we could have three M&Ms so we wanted to play something so we played that Rea was far away and that's all."
Sunday after Stake Conference we built with blocks. Timmy made a castle for King Anger Dragon, a palace for High Priest Shame Dog, and a hovel for Peasant Sadness Bear. (The names for the animals have to do with the emotion course Alison writes about below, if you were wondering.)
Alison is transitioning back to polyphasic sleep this coming week. I'm a little nervous that it won't work, but I feel like Heavenly Father approves. I learned a new way of thinking about emotions this week that feels life-changing in the way I relate to the kids, and I woke up Saturday morning with a complete plan for an ecourse teaching other parents about it (complete with multiple ad copy ideas for split testing, pricing, upsells, and a detailed outline - it was a really intense example of waking up with an idea), so I'm going to use polyphasic time to try and pull it together. I might be reaching out to you all to see if you're willing to beta test it for me. :)
On Monday and Tuesday there was a lot of snow here in Utah. It snowed all night, and when we woke up we had 10+ inches. It continued to snow until we had about 16 inches. We had a lot of fun in the snow, and it is still around a bit.
On Monday we played outside in the snow in the yard. Shoveling the driveway took hours! We made Samoan cocoa afterward.
Tuesday we went to nature group in the snow, which was fun. We found big icicles (as tall as Gideon!) and played in the snow. Gideon and Elizabeth were whiny, but the other kids had fun.
Wednesday we went sledding at the Dalyai's nature group and it was very fun. There was a sled run named Potato Burglars' Run, which was fast and very fun and a little scary. Sara went down it twice even though she didn't like it.

We went to the DI this week on Saturday and got baskets for putting around the art table so that we could organize our art supplies. The girls also got additional baskets to make into fairy houses. They bought some fake flowers and ribbons to decorate the fairy houses.
We went to flat iron mesa park and we hiked up the hill and we found a sumac forest and a rosehip bush. We harvested from both, and we decided to make jellies and jams. We climbed over the fence (that keeps kids from sledding near the road) and we made stairs out of snow.
On Saturday when mom and dad went to the stake conference we had a baby sitter - Naomi Dalyai - and she brought construction paper and we made construction paper origami and snowflakes. And we watched Wild Kratts and made potions and chemical reactions in the kitchen. And we made chocolate-coated bananas and had a lot of fun.
Gideon wanted to contribute to this blog post:
"One Sunny morning I really wanted to visit Rea's house but Dad and Mom didn't say I could and Rea lives far away but Mom let me go to Rea's house. Then we went there Rea had M&Ms and we could have three M&Ms so we wanted to play something so we played that Rea was far away and that's all."
Sunday after Stake Conference we built with blocks. Timmy made a castle for King Anger Dragon, a palace for High Priest Shame Dog, and a hovel for Peasant Sadness Bear. (The names for the animals have to do with the emotion course Alison writes about below, if you were wondering.)
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