Mike for President

Today when we were walking to church, Timmy came up with a new retirement plan for us: Mike  would become the president of the US for two years, and then retire from it (since we told him that after someone becomes the president they keep paying them for the rest of their life, and so after being president for four years you could retire, and he decided that since we are "half way" to retirement, I only would have to be president for two years.)

So, if you haven't voted in the primaries yet. Mike for president.

This week we realized that no-one in the family has been sick for  3 weeks and one day. This is quite surprising, since ordinarily during winter we get sick more often than that.

This week has also been unseasonably warm. It has been nice after that snowstorm. The kids have not whined at play group much at all. We even skipped going to the library (gasp) to play outside more.

(The last three pictures were taken by Rea.)

Rea and Sara got up at 5:00 am to make Valentine's day breakfast for us: toast and peanut butter and blueberries. It was nice of them. We also opened up the Valentine's package that we got from grandma Sheila and had a fun Valentine's day.

On Friday night we played Automatown for our date (that's the game Mike is co-designing with a professional designer). The game is better than it was, but still isn't working that well. Mike has been fixing the issues since then. Mike is also getting ready for SaltCon which is next week (not this upcoming one). He has talked with many of the publishers, and is going to be pitching games to them. His fourth expansion to his game has been delivered, so there is only one more expansion till we have all of the parts of the game that Mike designed.

Yesterday we had a game day with Loren and Rebecca while the kids played with their kids. We played Splendor and Flash Point Fire Rescue and we talked a lot. It was fun to get together with them again.

Alison has been working hard on starting her business. She's working through a couple of courses to put together a social media presence and email system to start teaching the concepts. She's also been talking about them to friends to get feedback (a few friends say it's been so helpful!). She plans for her Facebook presence/email list to go live at the end of the month, and then to start work on creating her first product.

The system she's developed is a way for kids (and parents) to learn to use the power of the big, "scary" emotions like anger, sadness, and fear to help get through the challenges of life. She created little animals to teach about them: Anger Dragon, Sadness Bear, Fear Owl, Shame Dog, and Boredom Turtle. We went to the DI and bought little stuffed animals for all the animals (except we didn't find an owl, so Rea made one). The kids have been loving using them, and they've really been helping the kids calm down quicker from tantrums and things. (One of these days, Alison will have a decent explanation of things written up or recorded as a video, and she'll share it, in case these vague descriptions are tantalizing you. :))


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