Better Late than Never

This week Mike's started to create a list of all of the public places that we forage for food, and another list of parks and places that we want to try to forage for food. We are going to visit a few parks a week and see what new things we find. We have already found a new source of grapes and a patch of raspberry bushes. We are excited to see what we find next.

This week Mike also submitted a game to a contest. It is an 18 card legacy game. Here's hoping that it does well.

We went to Amy and Dave's house for the girls to get haircuts and everyone to watch Frozen 2. The kids had a great time, until Rea was jumping down the stairs and banged her rib. She was in a lot of pain, but it's been steadily getting better, so we're no longer worried. A few days after the rib incident, Rea decided to climb a tree and scratched her leg really badly. Poor Rea! What a week!

Alison got a history curriculum that includes suggested Minecraft builds. Sara and Timmy were so eager to learn Minecraft that they listened to the entire audiobook of the history textbook in two days and are building all the things. They sure love it!

On Friday we went to our weekly Park Day for the first time in months. It was so great for the kids to run around and play and the moms to talk. It's amazing how much we've missed simple pleasures.

On Saturday we had a fix everything up day. As part of that, Mike fixed the Chromebook and all the fans. Now we have working things again.

This last week it got hot! We are talking sriracha sauce in the eye while falling into the sun level hot. Despite the heat, Baby has been learning how to walk very well

With all that's happened in the world this week, we're having a lot of tough conversations about racism and white privilege and oppression and responses to it. We loved the book "Something Happened in Our Town" for starting off the conversation. Rea read another book, "You Are Mighty: A Guide to Changing the World" and made posters and wrote letters. She wishes there were a kid-friendly protest she could join and wants to do one in our neighborhood.


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