The unexpected harvest

This week we went up to Jordan pines camp ground and camped all week. We went up there with the nature group.

We had a lot of fun. We set up hammocks in the trees and slept under the stars. We hiked up to donut falls, and saw tons of different types of wild berries (though only the strawberries were ripe yet). We saw wolf currants and gooseberries, both of which we have never seen here before.

Every night there were campfire stories told, and Mike, Rea, and Alison told one each.

Baby Elizabeth slept terribly up there, but otherwise it was pretty successful.

Saturday we picked more strawberries, and currants as well. We are deep into strawberry season, and currant season is well underway. This year has been an excellent year for currants. Perhaps we should meet with the Plastows and pick the currants near their house as well

We went down to dimple dell, Sunday and checked on the red currants there as well as the gold currants and serviceberries but they were not ready yet. We did end up picking a bunch of Virginia Pepperwort, which is a zesty plant that can be used like table pepper (though it tastes more like horseradish)


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