
We missed last week, so we are trying to do both weeks

Baby Elizabeth has been having sleeping issues again - she wakes up in the middle of the night even though she is way too old for that. We are not sure about how to fix that

We picked a few strawberries from strawberry hill, but they are mostly still white. Fortunately mullberries are out in force right now, and we have picked tons of those.

We have moved over to a siesta sleep schedule (those that are not polyphasiac, that is. The kids get to stay up to 9 when they take a good siesta. They really love it, so siestas have been a popular thing.

To use our good mild weather, we have been visiting parks in the evening. We now have a list of places all over the area where we will be trying to forage many different foods from parks this upcoming year. 

On Saturday we made a pie with some of the mulberries that we picked - Rea really wanted to learn how, so she helped out a lot.

Friday nights we have been having RPG date nights with people from our ward. We are still playing via zoom, but the game is still pretty fun. Right now we are in come underground cavern converting the monsters to our cause.

Baby Elizabeth has started talking. Now that she is talking and walking all she needs to do is to use the potty and she will officially be a big girl. She mostly will mimic words, but she does say a few things herself unprompted (though they are pretty much single words). 

The weather out here has been inconsistent - some days it is too hot, but other days it has been raining. We have enjoyed it since some days we spend tons of time 

When asked what did we do this week, Gideon said:
"we picked cherries, cherries, oh not more cherries; berries. I said more berries sounds like there good for moles if you dropped a berry on a mole it would eat it and you would open up your hand and another hand and another hand you would drop them all on a mole and it would eat it so can you write mole berries. Mole mole mole you write down moleberries."

Finally, It is sunday, and Timmy has been making a cure for Covid19. Also, here are our kids right after church.


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