Alvin and Hoggs

We had a barbecue on memorial day, and had the Plastows and Rogers over to visit us. We played Mike's new RPG, and the kids joined in as well. It went well. We also ate lots of desserts and had a watermelon as well.

Amy found a doll house and offered it to our kids earlier on in the week. They have been enjoying the doll house a lot. Baby even tried to climb into it herself.

On Thursday Mike took a half day off and went to the bishops storehouse and cleaned up the floors, stocked the shelves, and washed food bins.

On Friday it was 100 degrees and Alison took the kids to wild flower park. They managed to have fun for hours despite the heat. The moms mostly stayed in the shade.

At the park one kid brought a doll to hand down to Elizabeth, which Elizabeth liked a lot, but she decided that it needed hair, so she found orange chalk, gave it hair and then proudly told Alison that the doll had hair.

Saturday we did our errands and then invited the Plastow kids over to play. 

Logan showed Timmy scratch, and Timmy has been really enjoying it since then. He should learn how to read so that he can do it without help from grownups. 

When we were getting ready for church Gideon said that he was "happy happy happy happy happy happy to go back to church" He is excited to make new friends in the ward.

Alison taught her new class of 7 children including both Timmy and Gideon. The kids are cute and were surprisingly well behaved for having not been in class for a year.

Elizabeth went to nursery for the first time ever. She was easily dropped off, and had fun there. Hopefully that sets a good precedent for future weeks.

Since the kids were good at church Mike told them they could have cool aid, so they decided to invite the Plastows over for cool aid. They played together and had a lot of fun.

Also, we invented a new book called Alvin and Hoggs. It is like Calvin and Hobbes, but with Alvin the Treacherous and a bunch of pigs.

Finally, when we were writing this post, Boo washed her face by herself and got soap in her eyes. Apparently it was the Only Tears variety of soap, so we have to wash out her eyeballs, and that wasn't fun.


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