Rafting and Birthdays and Reunions, Oh My!

We had a family reunion this week! Monday we drove up to Flaming Gorge to meet Grandma Sheila and Papa Mike, the Plastows, the Strombergs, and the Andersons and spend a few days on the river.

On the way, we stopped at the Dinosaur Quarry in Vernal and saw the dinosaur bones still embedded in the wall. It was very exciting for all the kids, especially Boo. It was hard for the kids to believe that this was exactly what it looks like when paleontologists dig up fossils, and that these were REAL FOSSILS. It was fun!

We got to the motel fairly late Monday, so Tuesday morning we headed out to raft the river. The water was really low, so the rapids were very mild. Mike and I were in the "calm boat" with the Andersons, and we brought in any other kids who needed a break from the excitement (mostly Boo and Gideon). Everyone had a great time on the river!

Wednesday we took the rafts and inner tubes to the lake and swam and floated and wandered the shore. Papa Mike and several of the older kids caught crawdads, and we all had a fun time.

Thursday we headed home (the Andersons flew back to Michigan, but the Strombergs stayed a few more days) and got unpacked before getting back together with the family for dinner and the evening. The guys played lots of games the next few nights, while the girls got plenty of time to chat and the cousins ran wild. Mike even got some playtesting on his RPG and a couple of games he's working on with a published designer. (Timmy traded Pokemon cards with Logan, too.)

Friday we opened Timmy's presents (mostly video games, so there wasn't much to open) and he played them with Daddy before the Reunion activities started. We tie-dyed shirts for everyone, which was really fun. Saturday we went berry picking and made currant and mulberry pies. Sunday morning the Strombergs left, but we met the Plastows at Grandma and Papa's house for a barbecue. Grandma Julie and Grandpa Craig stopped by for a few minutes, which was awesome!

It's been a very exciting and busy week, but we are all pretty tired out. And next week is the annual Nature Group family campout! We're going to stay home tomorrow and recover and get ready, so we'll get to the campout a little late, but we need a bit of rest. We're very excited for the campout, though!

We didn't take very many pictures in all the excitement, but here's the dinosaur museum, a huge snake Papa Mike caught, and Boo berry picking in a flower crown:


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