The Kids Say This Was the Best Week Ever

Surprise! This week was supposed to be our campout - except it wasn't. It's next week. Alison is not 100% sure how this misunderstanding happened, but there you go. Camping next week.

There will be a trade blanket at the campout, and Alison found a really cool craft for growing crystals on rocks and painting them. It was gorgeous in the person's blog, and she got really excited about doing it and taking it for trade fodder. Unfortunately, she forgot that she and crafts have an inimical relationship. They did not turn out so great. Mike is trying to do it better, so that hopefully the kids will have something to trade. We'll see how it goes. (Mike is now making monkey paws as a backup. Alison is very grateful.)

Mike has been doing research into how to insure other people's stocks, otherwise known as options. He is pretty excited to try it out, since obviously the insurance company always wins. (Alison was a bit worried about our lack of actuarial tables, but it turns out you can do options on index funds, so all is well.) Unfortunately, the first time he tried, he grabbed the wrong option on one of the twenty drop-down menus you have to work through, and he ended up buying a put instead of selling one. Oh, well. We'll try again.

Mike had to spend the entirety of Wednesday afternoon working on homework. Apparently a full time job, a part time job, and a master's program are too much for even a polyphasic person to get done and still be off work by 2 every day. He's glad it's only another year!

Friday night Mike and Alison played Dance Dance Revolution. We haven't done that in years, and we have lost a lot of our skill. But it was very fun. We'd like to start doing it regularly again.

Friday morning apparently Boo woke up the girls at an unholy hour of the morning (in their opinion) by pounding on their door calling "Sara! New clothes! Old clothes ruined!" Boo sleeps in with the boys, who get up earlier than the girls, but her clothes are in the girls' room, and apparently she ate oatmeal and spilled on herself and just had to get new clothes right away.

She is very cute. Timmy has started to tell me, "I'm trying to do this, but Boo is using her cuteness powers on me!" and that sums things up pretty accurately :).

(So the kids didn't have anything worth writing about this week, but they agreed that the only possible title was "The Best Week Ever." So there you go.)


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