Another week of sickness

On Monday for the first time Alison made breakfast cookies to try and bribe the kids to be good during CC. The kids liked the breakfast cookies and did behave fairly well, so hopefully that continues to work for them.

Tuesday morning Rea and Sara made a valentines day breakfast for all of us. They really like celebrating valentines day, and Mike and Alison don't do anything for the holiday, so they have to do it themselves.

On Tuesday we also had Gideon's carnival party. He invited over the Birds (Mason, Malachi, and family) to play with us. The kids all had a fun time, and Alison talked with Brittney (the Bird mom) and had a fun time too.

We have had sickness in the house for most of the week in various forms. On Wednesday Alison got sick, and she is still sick today, so for most of the week we didn't do too much more than the absolute necessities. Mike took a partial day of work on Thursday, but she planned on dropping off the kids with sister Dalyia on Friday but ended up staying there most of the day instead of coming home. Saturday she slept and Mike took care of the kids, and on Sunday she had to teach at church, so she was at church and Mike stayed home with the sick boys.

We are currently deciding what to do about CC tomorrow, since Rea and Sara are good enough to go to school, but the boys are still sick. We might end up only going to part of it.


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