Attack of the Pizza Cats

The funniest thing this week was probably when Alison decided that too many kids had colds and they couldn't go to CC. Timmy spends every Sunday evening/Monday morning whining about how much he doesn't want to go to CC. This week, when he heard Alison talk about it, he started in with "But I don't want to go to CC."  Alison replied, "Guess what, you don't have to!" There was this moment of blankness before he started to whine, "But I want to go! Why can't I go?" Alison has now declared that she is not listening to his whining any more, since obviously he is just whining to whine and not for any real reason.

Alison and the girls went at lunchtime to show Grandma Sheila the kids' artwork from this quarter and then to do Essentials. The kids' artwork looked very impressive:


Wednesday we had a huge snow storm. It was beautiful! We went out and played in the snow (it was deeper than the dog's legs, and he loved wallowing in it) and shoveled and did a minimum of school. Unfortunately, Amy had planned baptisms for the dead for Logan and Rea and their parents and grandparents, but the temple was closed due to the weather. That was disappointing, but we rescheduled for next month, and other than that, the snow was great! We did minimal school Wednesday and Thursday and just enjoyed the snow.

Friday and Saturday had a homeschooling workshop called Lost Tools of Writing. Originally she was going to have Rea supervise the kids watching movies on Friday, but then she was reminded that Sara and Timmy had dentist appointments again. So Mike took a half day off to take them to the dentist and then to nature group, where the big kids did more and more risky sledding tricks with the Dalyais and Porter. Boo and Gideon just cuddled, but the older kids had a wonderful time and really enjoyed the snow.

Saturday while Alison was at her training everyone else went to Grandma Sheila's for a party for Max, who will be going home in a week. We are so happy for him! The kids wrote and acted out a play called "Attack of the Pizza Cats" that was really funny; all the kids enjoyed it a lot. A three minute video is too long to embed, but here's the link to the YouTube video of it:

Saturday night and Sunday were spent getting ready for things. This Monday through Thursday Mike is going to a work conference, and Thursday through Saturday is Salt Con. So we've been doing lots of packing. While we were planning things, we also bought tickets to Dan's wedding and wedding presents. We're going to be gone Monday July 31 through Thursday August 10, I think. We're excited to take the train across the country and then to visit Philadelphia for a few days. We're still planning our itinerary for while we're there, so if anyone has any do-not-miss advice, let us know!

This week is going to be busy and exciting. We'll let everyone know how it goes!


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