Too Many Parties?

This has been a busy week!

Monday we had CC. We lost another tutor, so now we have all 15 kids in one classroom. The tutor who's still here is a former public school teacher and is AMAZING, so it works, and the kids have made some new friends in the group. But it's also harder to keep everyone focused. We're working on other ideas to help the kids sit still and quiet.

Tuesday and Wednesday Alison felt like she was coming down with a cold, so she rested a lot. Everyone else did fun things, probably.

Thursday was Rea's Carnival party. We came home from Grandma and Grandpa's house early to meet the Dalyais. Rea picked Vietnam as her theme, and she and Aunt Amy made Vietnamese ginger cookies (yum!), and she helped everyone make paper lanterns and taught them a Vietnamese game. Then they had so much fun playing for four hours that we forgot to have dinner and got to bed pretty late.

On Friday the 3rd we had a game day with the Wilsons at our house. We finished up playing Mike's Disney movie RPG, which made us all laugh a lot and had some totally random bits actually come up and be useful in the end. And then we played the first half of Azul. We had to break off in the middle because we'd accidentally scheduled the game night and our play tickets at OBT for the same night. It worked out OK, thank goodness, and we had a lot of fun playing games and were still there on time.

The current play at the OBT is Robyn Hood, which is one of their classics. We really enjoyed it, as usual with the OBT. Eric Jensen played Sir Guy, the buffoonish henchman, and when he was about to eat the poison at the end, half the kids in the theater screamed for him to stop and not do it because it would kill him. Eric froze for a moment because how can you disappoint all those kids who love your character? But he had to come back as an angel in later scenes, so he took the poison anyway. Another of the bad guys was named Sheik Hugh Boote, and he was trying to make Maid Marian his 31st wife, until they brought in his first wife and her kids to chew him out. They dragged him off stage wailing, "Not quality family time!" I think those were the main bits people have been quoting. Oh, we were also impressed that they managed to get a "Who's on first" routine going three times in one play. They usually have one, but three different sets (Sherwood - sure would, Robyn - robbing, and Marion - marrying) in one play was very impressive.

We got home late Friday night and went straight to bed. Saturday morning was the monthly training meeting for Essentials homeschooling moms, so everyone else got to play extra video games while Alison was gone. When she got back, we went to a science fair for the CC Challenge A kids (the class Rea will be in next year). The kids weren't sure about it, but it turned out to be really fun. We went around and asked each kid about their research. They came up with some very creative studies about baking and bacteria and stealth airplanes and things. It was cool to see how the kind of things the kids like to do can be turned into full formal science projects.

Saturday evening we were invited over to the Waters' (our new back door neighbors). They wanted to have us over and Brock wanted to introduce us to his brother-in-law Ryan, so he decided to throw Ryan a birthday party at his house and invite us. A bunch of their relatives played Grab the Loot, one of Mike's games that he hasn't worked on in years, and gave him some good feedback. That was fun. The kids really like the Waters' kids, so they had fun too.

We got home late again and made the older kids take showers while putting the younger kids to bed. Then we woke up Sunday morning, bathed the younger kids, and got to 9am church. Grandma Sheila brought cousin Max to church with us, and he went to Sunday School with Rea and Logan, which was fun. Then we and the Plastows all went to Grandma and Papa's house to have lunch and play games with Max. Sushi Go was such a hit that we had to play in teams because there were too many players. 

As we were leaving, the kids begged to keep playing, so the Plastow kids came over to our house this afternoon. They just went home for dinner and Mike is cooking us a dinner. We may not be getting to bed on time tonight, either. Oops. Hopefully this next week we'll get some sleep!

(This is OBT's Robyn Hood and Maid Marion, not anyone we know. We didn't take any pictures this week.)


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