Brown Beginnings

With Jell-O living outside in his Catio, he has taken up a hobby of escaping from it periodically. Sometimes it is because someone forgot to zip up the door, however a few times he affected an escape through trickery. One time he apparently chewed a hole through the wall (Mike is not sure how that could have happened, since it seems pretty amazing, however they're definitely was a hole in the morning.) 

One time he also was put into the polson's garage because it was raining and then took a nap in a place that we couldn't see and didn't respond to us for about half an hour, so Sara was pretty sure that he was missing. Either way, wherever he gets off to he has always come back as of yet. We are hoping that we can stop him from escaping.

This weekend we moved from the Poulson's house to the Brown's house because Sara was going to begin starting school next monday. We have gotten pretty good at moving considering that we've moved so many times in the last few months, and it took us only about 5 hours.

This past week we spent a lot of time getting ready for Sara's first day of school. We attended a meeting where we got to meet her teacher, and we also got her materials for school. 

She was super happy to learn that Alena (one of her friends from acting camp and from her plays) is going to be in the same grade as her. They have some classes together, so that's super exciting. 

This week Sara was also invited to Brooklyn's birthday party. It was really really fun.

This week we ended up going swimming with the Rogers. Last week we intended to go, however, we didn't go because the thunder started exactly as we were getting in the pool. The kids had a lot of fun playing and the parents had a lot of fun talking and sitting in the cool water.

Rea also decorated some pens this week. They were pretty cool looking.

Minimal progress was made on our home construction this week. They say that they're getting ready for the four-way inspection.

Now that Rea has a glasses prescription we have been planning on ordering her some new glasses, however every time we try to do it it doesn't end up working out. The first time we had to measure her pupillary distance and then we ran out of time and the second time she didn't want to do it and every other time something has happened.

Since we live closer to Taylorsville now we spent some time playing with the Plastows after church and the girls went to the Water's house.


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