
Last Sunday we went to a Brown family dinner. It was fun. We talked, ate, and the kids watched something on their TV, so it was a pretty normal family dinner.

Timmy has decided to save up for the Lion Knights' Castle, which must be one of the biggest Lego sets ever. It is going to be a lot of work for him to save up enough money for it, however, he is motivated, so here is hoping that he succeeds.

We had activity dudes and young women's this week. Activity dudes was a bunch of sponge based water activities, and young women's was a barbecue and seminary graduation. The girls had a fun time, and the boys did too.

There was also a combined Relief Society and Young Women pool party this week, which was fun. The girls mostly swam and played and the ladies mostly talked, and there was a barbecue and potluck, and everyone had fun.

On Thursday we watched the movie of the Scarlet Pimpernel in preparation to going to see the play at the OBT on Saturday. We find that if we watch the movie of a play beforehand then the kids are able to ask questions then so that when we attend the play they are able to focus on it better.

The play was very good - with lots of memorable characters, funny situations, and good music. They often do parodies of pop songs, and during this play they did versions of Smooth Criminal, We Are Young, All Star and others. Most of the time there is a character that sort of steals the play as the most outstanding actor/ best written character, however, this time there were so many good characters it was hard to pick a favorite. We definitely would recommend it. 

We also almost went swimming with the Rogers this week - we got to the pool and then thunder rumbled right as we were about to get in, so the pool gave us more wristbands so that we can get in later, so hopefully we can swim with them next week.

Now, in regards to our house: the inspector finally approved the work that the builders have done, so they can start putting in the new electrical hardware and doing the plumbing. Yay!


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