The Alien, the Gun, and Diablo

I have updated Polynesia (my card game's working name). It is now available for all to download online. I am going to be bringing it to the family dinner this weekend, so hopefully everyone will have read the new rules before then (it is just a 4 page read, and a lot of it is the strategy and god description). Here are the links:
RulesCard DescriptionsPrintout. Feel free to share them around - I am fine with anyone seeing everything in them.

Our microwave oven recently died. I don't really know why, but perhaps it is because I bought it at the DI 3+ years ago. We also ate about 10 lbs of cherries in about a week. Perhaps this weekend we will make another cheese. If so, I will report on its progress.

Since my MSV release, I have been mostly reading. I have started 'I shall wear midnight' by Pratchett. It is not really as good as his books usually are. If this had been the first book that I read of his I would likely not have read any more.

I realize that I forgot to tell about the last play session in 42 Earths. They began to try to discover where the alien captive was being held, and were able to find the location (it was on one of the papers that they picked up when they broke into diablo's hide out). They went to the place and after a big firefight (and some pepper spray) they recovered not only the alien, but also an alien artifact.

The artifact is a gravity pulse gun. They gave the original to the government, and kept the copy that was being tested. They have now been hired to perform various tasks for the government in relation to the alien, the gun, and Diablo.

Baby Andrea has been signing more and more recently. She has invented some words that we have not yet figured out, but she can say: yes, no, more, please, hungry, dog, play, and point to particular objects of interest. Often she pulls on one ear, and we have not figured out what that means yet. She isn't walking yet (and it is the end of the month) - perhaps next month she will.


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