play testing

Wednesday we made a five cheese sausage pizza. three of the cheeses were home made. The feta was especially good on a pizza (which is news to me).

I also learned this week that cream of tartar is in fact those crystals that condense into your home made grape juice (and you strain out and throw away). This leads me to wonder if it would be possible to make home made cream of tartar out of them.

The card game is moving along nicely. I have been making updates and testing it out with Alison fairly often. I have a game night planned this week, but so far only one  couple has agreed to come to it (So it might be quite interesting).

I released another MSV. Now I am down to one thing left to change for sure this time (yeah right). If I do decide it is feature complete it would be a miracle. It does allow for real time updates, julia fractals, and color selection for newton type fractals.

Baby Andrea has learned how to drink from a cup, and is trying to figure out using a fork and spoon. She hasn't started walking yet, but she can climb quite well (her grandfather would be proud). She climbed up the futon the other day, and last night climbed about three feet up a play structure.


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