Beta release

My MSV is now in beta. You can download it here. If you unzip it in Windows 7, it will probably mark all the files as 'from another computer', and will remove lots of functionality. if you right click the zip file, click properties, and then click unblock before you extract it then you will be able to use the data that is in the separate dll files.

The card game is half way through its third printing. Now we have point cards marked, military cards worth points, and a couple of other changes. Perhaps this will be the last major test printing.

With all of the programming I have been doing I have not made any cheeses this month. Perhaps next month I will. I have also read a book in Fred Sabehagen's Berserker series. I was pleasantly surprised. It was pretty good. If all of his books are like this, Perhaps I should pick a few more up.

Andrea has been dancing a lot lately. She puts her hands up and shakes them around and bobs her head. If she is standing up she also does squats while she is doing this. I wish I had taken a movie of it (Perhaps I will in the upcoming week), but instead of that I will share an inspirational video:


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