A tired week

It seems like I have been tired this whole week. Perhaps I've got the lurgy.

I have done a bit more rewriting of the rules for my card game. Now military can also get you points, and perhaps it will not slow down the game so much.

My mandelbrot set viewer is approaching beta. It seems like it will make it this time [crosses fingers].

I am preparing for a RPG play session tomorrow. Hopefuly things move along. Something fun will happen for sure, but until it happens I want to keep it a surprise.

I also have been bothering a scam artist from nigeria recently. I figure that the more time I waste of his the fewer people he can scam. (I write him short one sentence emails asking for more info, and to clarify points, and he writes longer emails explaining things). Also, apparently my new code name is Fredric.

Also, Baby Andrea has not yet exceeded 2 steps before falling down. Apparently walking is hard.


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