Another, more different server

This weekend we watched general conference at the Poulson's house. It was fun. There were lots of good talks. Baby Andrea slept horribly throughout the whole thing, however, and that made it tough for the adults to sleep as well.

Work on the server is moving along. I have installed the Gentoo and got it to serve web pages and update dyndns with its new ip address whenever it changes. I still need to drive down to my parents house and install the server in their basement. When that is done, I should have a faster server, and perhaps my website will run more smoothly.

I have not done any work on the card game recently. I am also not really working on the MSV much (I am thinking about making a new serializer, but I have not actually started it yet.) I have mostly just been reading.

Finally, I remembered that I was supposed to be transferring VHS videos to DVDs for various people. I am going to get back to work on that shortly.


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