Get your kicks

The Polynesia Vassal module is coming along nicely. I have a version that is for public consumption. It can be downloaded here. It is not entirely 'polished', but I believe that you could play a game with it. In order to test it out, all you have to do is download the module, and the latest version of Vassal (which is available free online).

We have been drying apples recently. We got some more grapes and now we are trying to make raisins. They look totally gross so far.

Baby Andrea has started walking around and kicking things. We have a big inflatable ball for her to kick, but she kicks other stuff too. It is fun to watch her.

Just last night I was pumping up my bike tire and she was outside with me in the front yard. She would walk to the front door and then look in at Alison. She would then laugh and walk back to me. She loves walking in the leaves (and laughs when she does it). She is such a cutie.


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