The Grapes of Happiness

This week I started making a Vassal module for Polynesia. It is not at a playable state yet, but it seems to be coming along. I will post it when it gets somewhere.

We made 52 quarts of grape juice over this last week. Alison also picked apples for us, and we are going to be drying them over this upcoming week.

I played a Polynesia game yesterday at work over lunch. Andrew (one of our QA) had an idea about making military more likely to win you the game, and I am looking into it.

We went to the book sale on Tuesday and got some books. One book in particular was a fun find: Yotsubato. This manga was written by Kiyohiko Azuma the same guy who wrote Azumanga Daioh. It is a fun little story about a young girl who explores her world and discovers new things.

Baby Andrea is doing well (though she does still wake up too early some days). She just got a new fork and spoon that are the right size for her, and she is able to eat things very well.

I considered briefly having another role playing halloween excursion, but it is a lot of work to set up for that, so unless I am overwhelmed by popular demand I won't likely do it.


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