Long Week

Another big week is ending.

I attended the Sort technology conference this week. It was fun. I got to learn about some cool new technologies.

I have posted a new version of Polynesia in Picasa and Google Docs (for those of you who are interested. Whiro was updated, all the walls were made weaker, and the artwork was made more easy to see (specifically the defense values of the cards).

We picked grapes twice for a few hours (but have not yet picked them all). This weekend perhaps we can do that. After we are done, we will make grape juice :)

We didn't have a role playing game this weekend - it was delayed again.

I am also starting to plan my NaNo novel. It will involve a pseudomancer, a mentally disturbed fairy, a bard that is useless (but everyone loves due to a curse), and multiple people trying to get multiple people cast out of power.

hopefully it will be fun.

Baby Andrea went to the doctors, and they said that she is not putting on as much weight as is usual. They said it is likely because she is already walking, and that we need to feed her butter and cream to help her gain the weight in a 'healthy' manner.


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