Evil smile

I died in Unnethack trying to fight my quest nemesis. I have been considering trying again, but I have been doing too many other things.

I am starting to make progress again on my bike project. I have the engine mounted to the frame (Though it might block the front derailleur from moving) I now am trying to get it together by the end of the week after Christmas.

I have done more Polynesia testing. Things are still going pretty well. I am still making wording changes many games, though.

I am trying to read the Icewind Dale trilogy, but to be honest it is hard. It seems to be written for 13 year old boys. It is like watching Dragonball Z, or some such nonsense. It takes itself very seriously, though. I really hope that Salvatore gets better, because if the second novel is as bad as this one, I will probably not finish reading it.

Just an example of one of the bad parts: The heroes discover a party of giants that are acting as advance troops to a large army that intends to invade their country. They defeat them, and then go to tell the citys of the country about the danger of the invading army. No one listens to them, and the invasion is eminent... so they go off into the wilderness to fight a dragon (because the barbarian promised himself that he would fight the dragon because his father had discovered the dragon's cave). After the fight is over, they go back to the country that was going to be invaded, and it hasn't yet been invaded (Apparently the villan waited around for them, or something). The moment that they arrive, though, the villan arrives as well, and commences his invasion. Some of the events are scripted like the book is a D&D game. (Not saying that I have never done that, just that this guy is a published author, and a popular one at that.)

I used to make fun of Katie for having an evil smile as a  kid. I just took this picture the other day:

I don't know what to say.


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