Some things

Over the course of thanksgiving weekend I got a large flat screen TV that one of the Poulson's neighbors were throwing away. It is huge, but the screen flickers. I have opened it up and found it to have four bad capacitors. I bought replacement parts, and attempted to replace the capacitors, but the soldering iron that I had bought (I never owned one, so I figured that I would get one for this project (I can't go borrowing Loren's soldering iron forever)) did not work properly. It would have made a good hand warmer.

Speaking of hand warmers, It has been cold here! I am tempted to start driving to work because I have had a beast of a time getting home recently. Perhaps I will get some more mittens (as my last pair mysteriously disappeared.)

The most recent feta that we made was a little gooey, but some extra salt dried it up. Now it is a little (and by little I mean a lot) salty. Perhaps washing it off right before use will fix it. Here is to hoping.

The card game has been coming along nicely. My last re-art is being well received. Hopefully I don't have to change it much more.

The last session of role playing was sort of successful. We spent half the session (perhaps more) finishing leveling up everyone, and then they decided (without a real plan) to take out the warlord that had taken over salt lake city. 'Doc RNA Brown' (the alien) drove getaway, and Zhengi and Xander broke in and knocked him out. They stole his stuff and neutralized his guards. They then escaped with his unconscious body. I have no idea what they plan to do next - you never can tell with these strange plans.


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