This is no mine...

On Saturday the box with the soldering iron in it arrived (I sent the guys who sent me a non working soldering iron an email, and they shipped me a new one and told me to throw away the old one). I soldered the capacitors to the tv, and put it back together. Alison and I then watched 'Henry Potter IX part 2; The Conclusive Conclusion' on our now working 42 inch TV.

It worked well.

I was originally thinking of selling the TV after we got it working, cause I don't need a big tv, but it takes up practically no space (being a flat screen and all) and for that it just seems better than our old CRT. Also, I can play nethack (or bubble bobble for that matter) on a 42 inch screen (and I have to admit that there is something to that).

Speaking of nethack, I have been playing Unnethack recently, and I have a dwarven valkyrie about to fight medusa. I almost died in the black market (I blew up my bag of holding containing just over a million zorkmids of loot in it, and one-eyed sam sort of wouldn't let me out of the shop), but good use of a wand of teleport got me out (by sending him to the other side of the shop and allowing me to exit with my stolen loot). I have two pet dragons, biter (an adult black dragon that used to be a cat until a random accident) and bacon (who joined my team as an adult blue dragon in a throne room). I used to have a gray/grey dragon named Seaghost, but he got polymorphed into a hobbit and then drowned. I wish that I had a bag of holding... perhaps I will get another one eventually.

I tested some of the new gods that I made for Polynesia on thursday. They seem to work OK. I will be testing them more as I get more chances to test them.

Baby Andrea is doing well. Her potty training is going better (though we are still having to clean dirty diapers fairly regularly.) She has started climbing, and now can get to the top of the kitchen table if things are arranged right. Milk still doesn't like her, and so we are still feeding her cream. I would estimate that she has gained some weight - so hopefully next check up the doctor will tell us that we did well.


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