Strange Things Afoot

I could have sworn that I woke up at 5:50 like usual, and then rode my bike to work at 6:30, but I arrived at work at 7:00, and that doesn't make sense (it usually takes me 1 hour and 15 minutes to get to work, so I must have somehow got up earlier than usual) This leads me to believe that we had a power outage last night (my clock runs faster on batteries than on wall power.) The other option is that baby Andrea changed the time on our clock when she was playing with it yesterday.

Either way... I am here before I should be.

I got the tv mounted to the wall (as big as it is, all night last night I dreamed of it falling on me.) Perhaps I will get some larger bolts to mount it better and allay my fears.

I have played more Unnethack recently. My bones files are up on hearse if anyone wants to try out Unnethack (and get some stuff from my dead dudes) So far I have enangered many a lawful god. It is a difficult problem. My most recent character has a cross aligned altar, and barely any equipment (I need to remember that I am a dwarf this time, and not screw up like last time by sacrificing a dwarf).

I played more Polynesia this weekend. We had two 4 player games, and tested out some new stuff. More tweaks are forthcoming. Sometimes it feels like the game will never end.

We had an all day meeting last friday, and there was a time period where we got to play games. I played Domionin (I love that game). We played two games - Neither of them had action splitting in them, but both had the spy. I chained a lot of spies for a win in the first game (by denying anyone good cards and forcing them to always have at least one estate in their hands), and the second I played a combo of libraries and cellars to get my gold and buy big points. It is such a fun game. The strategies are limitless.

Baby Andrea is doing well. She is now trying out organic milk - perhaps that will sit with her better than the normal stuff. If not, then we will try soy milk.

I made Brazilian lemonade last night. Swee thought it was good (I always liked it.) You just make limeaid (it is a bit of a misnomer) like usual (9.5 limes, 2 cups sugar, enough water to make a gallon) and add a can of sweetened condensed milk to it (you can reduce the sugar if desired - the milk sweetens it a bit).


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