Angry Lasers

This week I attended to Google IO Extended (the free version that has fewer prizes but streams the real classes realtime). It was pretty cool. The Q looks completely useless, but when they actually do start selling Glass I might be interested in buying one.

I uploaded my card game images to the printing company yesterday. I will have a deck in the mail in a few weeks hopefully. The only worry that I have is that they will convert them to cmyk and mess up the color (or something like that) I will post a blog post when I get them.

Andrea had a horse head on a stick (what are those toys called? you are supposed to 'ride' on them by putting the stick between your legs and running around and making horse noises) which was broken. I cut off the stick and replaced it with a new dowel, but while I was working she got her hands on the horse head part. She was angry when I attached the new dowel to it. Apparently she wanted a decapitated horse head more than a horse head on a stick.

We are still waiting for the baby to come. I will post some time after she does.

I am now level 6 on isotropic. I played some games in between Google IO sessions. It is interesting to play with all of the cards, but I sort of wish that there were an easy way to play with only cards from the two expansions that I have physical access to. Usually there would be cards that I had never seen before, and people would have to wait for me to read them before I could play.

I played a game called Angry Laser space recently. It was pretty fun. It was only marginally difficult, but reminded me of all the old space ship side scrollers.


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