By all accounts, it doesn't make sense

We have a 7 month old 4 lb Parmesan that I was considering opening - I think that we will wait till it is 8 or 9 months, though because while I was turning it I decided to take inventory of our stock of cheese. In the process I discovered a strange 4 lb cheese that was dated Dec-10-2012. I have no record of having created it, but it was 6 months old so we opened it up (funny thing is that I have a record of waxing it, but not making it). It tasted like a sharp cheddar, but it had holes like a baby swiss. It is a nice consistency (I think that I am going to fire up the grill, sautee some mushrooms and make a mushroom mystery cheeseburger)

Speaking of cheese, Saturday we made another gouda. This time it held together much better than the first gouda that we made, so hopefully it ends up more like an actual gouda (the last one was crumbly).

I have room for ~ 4 more lbs of cheese in the fridge, so I think that I am going to make another Parmesan. They are the best cheeses that I have ever made.

As I was cleaning up after making the gouda Andrea walked into the kitchen holding a rubber tube (I use them to siphon off excess whey) and said "Making cheese, just like daddy." :)

She has been really cute recently. On Saturday she put on a toy necklace and said "Rea is a princess now." (Rea is her nick-name). We have never played princesses with her, so we have no idea where she learned the word.

She has also been quoting Winnie the Pooh. She grabbed a bookmark that had word written on it in big letters and said "It says: Don't feed the bear!". At her grandparent's house she also said "Not one drop." (which might have been a reference to that same scene - just a little earlier).

We are getting ready for the new baby to come. Alison has finished getting the baby room ready, and Andrea is telling everyone "It's name is baby Sara" (talking about her baby doll, but obviously playing that her doll is her younger sister).

My card game testing Saturday turned out to be a bust, but fortunately I was able to test it a bit on the weekend anyway with Scott and Alison. Alison is such a wonderful wife. She has been helping me test this game almost every night over the last few weeks as I have been preparing to print it.Perhaps at the end of this week I will be ready to print it (I suppose that if I wait till the second of July to print it I can do a final test of it at my parents monthly get together... perhaps that would be a good idea.)


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