TalkingRambled: The Shortness of Posts

I have begun to make more changes to my card game. I am attempting to clean up the combat more, remove confusing things, and slightly tweak the balance.

I am also considering how I could change the visual appearance of the cards (but I have not made any real solid decisions there).

If anyone has never played Polynesia and would like to help me play test the rules, talk to me - I could get you a copy of the rules easily, and we could work out a way to get all the cards printed and cut up. (The reason why I am interested in getting new testers is that I want people to play the game having just read the rules and without my help, so that I can simulate someone buying the game from the store and bringing it to a table of people who have never played before.)

This last weekend we got together for a family dinner and played some dominion afterwards. It was fun (though I lost all of the games, I enjoy playing, and I figured out a great strategy for the last one (which I messed up by buying too many green cards too early.))

Andrea and Alison went to the library earlier this week and saw some animals. Andrea really liked the sheep.

She also recently decided that we need to go to the ocean so that we can see whales. I told her that after the new baby is born we would go to California, but I don't think that she really understands time frames that are that long.

My genetic algorithm has been halted. After having found the isotropic logs I am considering building strategies off of them, but I have not yet begun to do that (modifications to Polynesia are higher priority when I have ideas about what needs modifying)

Finally - I fear that I have decided that Dwarf Fortress is not interesting enough to play the new version. I like the game a lot, but making Polynesia is just more fun.


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