Polynesia again

This weekend we built Montessori sensorial materials for Andrea (specifically the pink tower, the broad stair, and some rods that vary in length (though I don't know the name of that one)). Each block is cut to different specifications, so there is no 'getting into the groove of things' - every time you have to look to see what size the next block is supposed to be.

We have not yet polyurethaned them, so they are not quite finished, but Andrea has already begun to use them (and she is able to pick them up successfully in smallest to largest order). She doesn't like stacking them to make large towers yet, but she has made doggy houses for the little dogs that Sheila made for her (We got those this week as well). One dog is shaped like rusty, and the other like a scotty dog, so she has been enjoying walking them around (and commanding them to sit, stay, not eat food, etc).

We have been enjoying the spring-like weather as well - though I suppose that our peppers would be happier with more heat.

As my birthday is coming up soon, I am considering whether I should ask for an expansion to Dominion (like seaside perhaps) or for Glory To Rome as my gift. I have known about glory to rome for a while (and planned on getting it), but I have held off because I didn't want to have it compete with my Polynesia time (though I suppose that dominion is doing just that.)

I posted a new version of the card game as well. It has the combat simplifications that I have talked about in a prior post as well as some balance tweaks. I intend to test the changes out over the next little bit, and hopefully that will finish (for real this time) the combat modifications (although I can never be sure that I am really done).

You can find the rules document here.
You can find the images that are formatted for printing here.
For those who have a printed version of my last update, the cards that are necessary to reprint to get yourself up to the current version are here.
I will get a black and white version of this update posted some time soon (sooner if someone says that they want to print it up).

Below is also a link to the picasa album:



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