Bling Playtest

Last week I mailed out some copies (6 total) of my Polynesia card game to people who were willing to blind play-test it (I originally wrote 'bling play-test', which is pretty much the opposite of what I meant, since the copies that I sent them were black and white, and printed on 20lb paper and such. Pretty much the least bling version of the game possible).

I have also been working on the symbology of the game with a guy who contacted me with questions about it. He has been very helpful in terms of coming up with symbols for various concepts. It is possible that the simple cards in the game will soon be much more light on words.

We had too much milk this week, so I made a fast 'Fine Herbs' cheese on Saturday. Literally anyone could make this cheese. You can't go wrong. All you do is add some acid (1 tsp citric acid powder in 1/3 cup of water) to 1 gallon of milk and heat it to ~198 degrees. This kills everything in the milk and makes it form curds. You let it cool and strain it out. Let it hang in a porous bag over the sink for a while (tie it up in a clean drying cloth) and then add in whatever herbs you want and some salt. refrigerate and eat it quickly (since there is no good bacteria to keep it safe from the bad bacteria.)

On Saturday we went to a farmers place and got 12 bales of hay for a year supply of goat food. We have it stacked up in the carport. While we were at Mom and Dad's house we picked raspberries and blackberries.

We got home, and on Sunday made a quart of goat milk raspberry ice cream. It was pretty good, but it didn't get as stiff as it sometimes does. It must be the fact that the ice cream maker was not in the freezer for very long beforehand.

We also made some feta and tomato pasta with our goat feta. It is way creamy (being whole milk), but I went a bit overboard on the salt. I have to remember to modify that recipe in the future.


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