Cocoa Samoa

This last week in summary:
Monday: We celebrated Andrea's birthday. She got a kitchen set from Grandma Sumption's house and a Lynley Dodd book (We had Slinky Malinki and Hairy Mclairy already, and both were fun books, so we got her Open the door, which was fun, but the punch line was above Andrea's head (though Alison and I found it very funny)) Andrea also played with Legos for the first time. It brings back good memories to play with Legos again.
Tuesday: I went to Sort tech conference. It was fun, and the classes were pretty useful. I especially enjoyed the class about the Netdurino, and look forward to figuring out some hack that I want to make. Andrea had her 2 year checkup. She is 27 lbs, 2' 10" and healthy.
Wednesday: I went to Sort tech conference again.
Thursday: We baby sat for the Nelsons so that they could go to the temple. It went well.
Friday: We made pizza, and went to the Clark Planetarium for our date. Andrea especially enjoyed the stairs and walking 'on the moon'.
Saturday: Made 5 gallons of granola (a quadruple batch). it seemed to go fairly well. The granola was very crunchy this time, and not too sweet. Got pallets for our compost heap wall. We now have a compost heap that the chickens can access (to scratch up), but the goats cannot access. We also made a DI run and got some PS2 Dance Mats (Really expensive ones) for $3.5 ea, and some Mega Blocks (for Andrea to use since she really isn't big enough for the Legos). We also had the ward Chili Cook off. We made Jalapeno cornbread (which was tasty and fairly well received).
Sunday: Got two more referrals for the missionaries. so far we are 1 for 2 on a baptism to referral ratio, so perhaps the missionaries will receive success. We also made the first Samoan cocoa of the season. It was good, and with our new cheese grater it was really easy to grate the cocoa.
 Monday: Alison was sick, so I stayed home to help with the girls. Finished off drying the apples from my parents - We ended up with 5 gallons of apple chips. we also baby sat for the Readers, who recognized "Bang the Bullet" just by looking at its case. We need to get together some time with them to have a game night. We also tried to make caramels, but they ended up a little soft. It might be because we added the sweetened condensed milk too early (we made sweetened condensed goat milk).

All week I worked on the cards for my card game. They are looking very different than they once did. Hopefully people like the new look. We also had Ryan Hendricks try out my game with his group of gamers. He liked it, and though that it was fun, but hasn't summarized his thoughts yet.


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